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Things to do Without Wi-Fi

Regardless of age, gender and lifestyle, it’s accurate to say that everyone is a little too online nowadays. It has gotten to the point where most of us can’t be apart from our smartphones for even a minute. Sure it’s true that with Jom Apply Time fibre home broadband Malaysia, we can never be bored again when staying at home as the internet provides us with countless entertainment options. However, it’s good to detox once in a while and take a break for your screens. There’s more to life than the internet, after all. Here are a few suggestions on what you can do during your internet detox.

Spend time with your loved ones

Seeing the people you love is always time well spent. Call them and arrange a time and date for you to do something fun together. No matter what you have decided to do like going to the movies, shopping, swimming or just having a simple meal together, you are guaranteed to have the time of your life. And all without the help of Wi-Fi!

Read a physical copy of something

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Tough luck if you’re a fan of ebooks, try and pick up a book, magazine or comic instead. Sure, you can still read an ebook but do you really trust yourself not to wander off to a social media platform when you have a gadget in your hands. Do your brain a favor and spend some leisure time reading a real book and using your imagination.

Pick up your old hobbies

Remember what you used to spend most of your time doing before you had a smartphone and a laptop? Well, pick up that forgotten hobby once more! If you used to paint, draw, do arts and crafts, cook or garden, let yourself fall in love with those old hobbies again. It’s a crucial part of life for us to create something instead of always consuming things, so relearn them.

Play games that are good for you

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No we do not mean video or computer games. Instead, try and find that old sudoku book your dad bought you years ago which you stopped completing once you got an iPhone. If you’re not into numbers, try and find a crossword puzzle in a newspaper or magazine. If you’re more of a doer instead of a thinker, pull out a jigsaw puzzle. There are so many games you can play that will help you build important mental skills.

Move your body and keep healthy

Have you ever noticed that when you’re on the internet, you’re just staying in one place for hours? This has serious health issues. To combat this, go out and exercise. There are plenty of sports you can take up during your internet detox. You may try out new activities such as skateboarding, rollerblading, basketball or badminton. If that’s a little too much for you then just go for a jog or take up yoga. Your pick.

The internet is a wonderful invention that is not inherently wicked. Many individuals use the internet to upskill and better themselves yet our culture has gotten accustomed to limitless Wi-Fi which has taken away some crucial things from us. So put it to the test by disconnecting your Jom Apply Time fibre home broadband Malaysia and surviving without the internet at home.

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